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Scrapyard Studios was formed in 2018 to celebrate and promote the arts and community.
We are a CIC - a Community Interest Company.
This means we exist to strengthen the communities we serve. We're not here to make a profit.

What does Scrapyard Studios do? 

We run workshops and projects in music and visual arts.


We strengthen the community by uniting people through common creative goals.


We help people gain confidence and learn new skills.

What can I get involved in?

Join us for a free project such as Bootle Guitar Club, Rock Choir, or Youth Choir.

Record or rehearse in Studio 5, our professional recording studio.

For women in music, there are monthly Gals Who Gig performances and workshop series.

Studio 5 Liverpool Recording and Rehearsal Studio
Where are you based?

We are based in Bootle, just North of Liverpool.

Bootle is an urban area in the top 1% of multiple deprivations.

It's also full of creative people who want to change the world.

How did WIMIN Festival come about?
In 2022 Scrapyard Studios conducted a survey to explore the priorities for change that women are demanding in Liverpool's music industry.
The results clearly showed that there's lots to be done:

The idea for the festival was born out of the results of this survey
 and has become a reality through an amazing team of partners and supporters.
Scrapyard Studios CIC Logo

Join the community of WIMIN making a difference in the North West music scene.

Thanks for your support!

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